Virtual data rooms aren’t restricted to one specific industry. Virtual data rooms can be used whenever a company has to share confidential documents with external parties. This could be due to a merger, an acquisition or IPO or any other type of business transaction that involves the exchange sensitive documents. In some instances the documents are required for purposes of regulation such as when a business needs to provide access to auditors and regulators who need to review its documents.
Many companies turn to virtual data rooms to simplify the due diligence process in M&A deals. Due diligence can require many documents which must be reviewed by a wide range of parties. The ability to view and download documents in VDRs VDR makes the process more efficient and cost-effective.
Other companies also use VDRs to facilitate document sharing for purposes of regulatory or litigation with lawyers, clients, as well as other third-party. A law firm, for instance, may need to access the records of clients and do so in a secure environment in order to avoid violating privacy legislation.
A VDR allows businesses to automate workflows, processes, and approvals. This can cut down the amount of time and effort needed to complete tasks manually, such as signing a NDA and managing invoices’ approvals, or uploading files to the dataroom. A VDR equipped with advanced document processing capabilities will also be able to search for text of a variety of file types, including PDFs and Excel files.