The Benefits of Virtual Board Meetings

As the epidemic continues to spread it becomes increasingly difficult for board members of nonprofit organizations to get together in person to discuss crucial issues and provide strategic guidance. In the aftermath, more and more organizations are choosing to hold virtual meetings during the current crisis. While going digital may seem like a hassle however, it can be an excellent opportunity for nonprofits to make their meetings more productive and effective.

Meetings on the internet are not only more affordable, but also more comfortable for participants. There is no traffic to contend with or tight meeting schedules to coordinate, or travel stress which can cause participants to become distracted during the meeting. This increases the likelihood that all board members attend the meetings online and take part in discussions.

Furthermore, a good software for managing meetings permits you to keep track of and archive your meetings. This means that even if are not able to attend a meeting, you can still access the minutes and documents later. This allows you to look back and assess your choices and actions after the meeting has concluded.

To ensure that your virtual meetings are as productive as is possible, you should prepare for the meeting in advance. This includes making sure that the meeting will be held at the time that is most convenient for everyone. Also, you must ensure that everyone is calling from an area that is quiet to reduce background noise. Also, it is important to take roll call at the beginning of the meeting to ensure that there is a quorum. It is also important to utilize the voting capabilities of the tool for meetings to ensure that the meeting is a success and avoid having to resort verbally or via “show of hands”.

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